Voice Technology Wiki
Welcome to OpenVoice-Tech Wiki
A place for everyone sharing passion and knowledge for open voice technology.
- speech-to-text
- text-to-speech
- open voice assistants
Open across all voice projects
We currently have 247 pages and 99 registered users here.
But a wiki for all open voice enthusiasts cannot be driven by one person alone. Do you like the idea of this site?
Please help by sharing your thoughts and/or add more information/pages.
5 newest articles
What's planned
Following things are planned to come.
- Technical information, best-practice, lessons-learned about STT, TTS, open voice assistants
- Voice related paper information and discussion
- Newsticker with voice related announcements
- any more ideas? Let's discuss here
Available categories
Want to contribute to the Wiki?
That's great, thanks for your support.
This list shows requested pages that do not (yet) exist. Maybe you can help on one of these.
- Intent (2 links)
- Pytorch (2 links)
- Tensorflow (2 links)
- Alignment (1 link)
- Batch size (1 link)
- Chatbots (1 link)
- Checkpoint (1 link)
- Command-and-control (1 link)
- Continue Coqui TTS training based on checkpoint (1 link)
- Deep learning (1 link)
- Deepspeech (1 link)
- Dialog manager (1 link)
- Epoch (1 link)
- Espeak (1 link)
- Finetune existing Coqui TTS model (1 link)
- GPT-3 (1 link)
- Home-automation (1 link)
- Homophon (1 link)
- Hotword (1 link)
- Howl (1 link)
- Human-in-the-loop (1 link)
- IBM Watson (1 link)
- Inference (1 link)
- Instant-messaging (1 link)
- Internationale Phonetische Alphabet (1 link)
- Lautsprache (1 link)
- Learning rate (1 link)
- Liste der IPA-Zeichen (1 link)
- Machine learning (1 link)
- Mimic-Recording-Studio (1 link)
- Mixed-initiative (1 link)
- Model (1 link)
- Mycroft in French (1 link)
- Mycroft in Spanish (1 link)
- OVT:Construction Area (1 link)
- Phonemes (1 link)
- Repository (1 link)
- Scribosermo (1 link)
- Snowboy (1 link)
- Speaker (1 link)
- Speaker identification (1 link)
- Step (1 link)
- Thorsten voice (1 link)
- Transcoding (1 link)
- Utterance (1 link)
- Voice print (1 link)
- Voicebots (1 link)
- WWvW (1 link)
- Word error rate (1 link)
Links to open voice projects