Voice Technology Wiki

Revision as of 16:06, 19 November 2021 by Thorsten (talk | contribs) (Added list of requested pages.)
Welcome to OpenVoice-Tech Wiki

A place for everyone sharing passion and knowledge for open voice technology.

  • speech-to-text
  • text-to-speech
  • open voice assistants
Open across all voice projects

We currently have 247 pages and 99 registered users here.

But a wiki for all open voice enthusiasts cannot be driven by one person alone. Do you like the idea of this site?

Please help by sharing your thoughts and/or add more information/pages.

What's planned

Following things are planned to come.

  • Technical information, best-practice, lessons-learned about STT, TTS, open voice assistants
  • Voice related paper information and discussion
  • Newsticker with voice related announcements
  • any more ideas? Let's discuss here
Want to contribute to the Wiki?

That's great, thanks for your support.

Here is a list of requested pages that do not (yet) exist. Maybe you can help on one of these.