Mycroft Mimic

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Revision as of 13:47, 14 January 2022 by Eben (talk | contribs) (Added mimic KDE and gnome instructions)
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What's Mycroft Mimic

It is a TTS system delivered with Mycroft (by Nov 2021 it's english only). It's available in two installation types:

  • Mimic (version 1) runs locally on device and has an understable but not great quality. But runs on small computer devices like a Raspberry Pi. It's by default the "fallback" if other voices are not available.
  • Mimic (version 2) is provided by Mycroft AI server/cloud backend infrastructure and offers a better voice quality (english only).

Tips & Tricks

Build Mimic 1 on device

While setting up a Mycroft device installer will ask to build Mimic 1 locally. If you initially skipped this you can also re-run with a -fm flag for "force mimic".

./ -fm

You can do the opposite, by running flag to "skip mimic":

./ -sm

KDE & gnome integration

After installing mimic on your system adding this line to a custom keyboard shortcut in KDE or Gnome.

xsel > /tmp/speak.txt | sleep 0.3 | mimic -f /tmp/speak.txt | pkill xsel

I further optimised this by adding some configuration options that change the pitch and speed of the voice:

xsel > /tmp/speak.txt | mimic -voice slt --setf duration_stretch=0.85 --setf int_f0_target_mean=165 -f /tmp/speak.txt | pkill xsel

Stop mimic with:

pkill mimic

What do these commands and switch’s do:

xsel > my_file_name.txt (over rights the text in the file with highlighted text)

sleep 0.3 (tells the next command to wait for 0.3 seconds)

mimic (calls the mimic tts engine to start speaking)

-voice slt (sets the voice to the slt voice)

--setf duration_stretch=0.85 (makes it speak 25% faster (1 = normal speed and 1.5 in slower 50%)).

--setf int_f0_target_mean=165 (makes the pitch higher and =1 would make the pitch very low).

-f (means read text from file)

pkill xsel (stops the computer starting a new process for xsel every time this command is run).

There are quite a few voices installed with Mimic, the voice slt was my favourite. Type: mimic -lv in terminal to see a list of installed voices. Type: man mimic to see all the options and switches.

Mimic is built on flite tts and the commands are the same as far as I can see.